27 Oct 2023
 | 27 Oct 2023
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal AR.

Opinion: Eliminating aircraft soot emissions

Una Trivanovic and Sotiris E. Pratsinis

Abstract. Soot from aircraft engines deteriorates air quality around airports and can contribute to climate change primarily by influencing cloud processes and contrail formation. Simultaneously, aircraft engines emit CO2, nitrogen oxides (NOx) and other pollutants which also negatively affect human health and the environment. While urgent action is needed to reduce all pollutants, strategies to reduce one pollutant may increase another, calling for a need to decrease, for example, the uncertainty associated with soot’s contribution to net Radiative Forcing (RF) in order to design targeted policies that minimize the formation and release of all pollutants. Aircraft soot is characterized by rather small median mobility diameters, dm = 8 – 60 nm, and at high thrust, low (< 25 %) organic carbon to total carbon (OC/TC) ratios while at low thrust the OC/TC can be quite high. Computational models could aid in the design of new aircraft combustors to reduce emissions, but current models struggle to capture the soot dm, and volume fraction, fv measured experimentally. This may be in part due to oversimplification of soot’s irregular morphology in models and a still poor understanding of soot inception. Nonetheless, combustor design can significantly reduce soot emissions through extensive oxidation or near-premixed, lean combustion. For example, lean premixed prevaporized combustors significantly reduce emissions at high thrust by allowing injected fuel to fully vaporize before ignition while low temperatures from very lean jet fuel combustion limit the formation of NOx. Alternative fuels can be used alongside improved combustor technologies to reduce soot emissions. However, current policies and low supply promote the blending of alternative fuels at low ratios (~1 %) for all flights, rather than using high ratios (> 30 %) in a few flights which could meaningfully reduce soot emissions. Here, existing technologies for reducing such emissions through combustor and fuel design will be reviewed to identify strategies that eliminate them.

Una Trivanovic and Sotiris E. Pratsinis

Status: open (extended)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on ar-2023-15', Anonymous Referee #1, 21 Nov 2023 reply
  • CC1: 'Comment on ar-2023-15', Marc Stettler, 08 Dec 2023 reply
    • AC1: 'Reply on CC1', Una Trivanovic, 15 Jan 2024 reply
Una Trivanovic and Sotiris E. Pratsinis
Una Trivanovic and Sotiris E. Pratsinis


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Short summary
Aircraft are an important source of both soot aerosols and pollutants such as CO2 and nitrogen oxides (NOx) which also negatively affect human health and the environment. In many cases, strategies to reduce one pollutant may increase another. So, it is vital to have a quantitative understanding of the contribution of each pollutant to negative outcomes so that trade-offs can be made. Here, we review methods to reduce aircraft soot emissions through the use of fuel, engine design and operation.