26 Nov 2024
 | 26 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal AR.

Investigation of soot precursor molecules during inception by acetylene pyrolysis using reactive molecular dynamics

Anindya Ganguly, Khaled Mosharraf Mukut, Somesh Roy, Georgios Kelesidis, and Eirini Goudeli

Abstract. Soot inception by acetylene pyrolysis at 1350–1800 K is investigated using reactive molecular dynamics. The composition and chemical structure of soot precursor molecules formed during inception are elucidated. During soot inception, increasing the process temperature leads to faster depletion of C2H2 molecules and faster formation of C2H3, C2H4, C2H6, CH4 and C2 with the concurrent appearance of H2 molecules. Small molecules consisting of 1 to 5 C atoms (C1–C5) are formed due to reactive collisions and grow further to larger hydrocarbon compounds consisting of 6–10 C atoms. At initial stages of inception, prior to the formation of incipient soot, 3-member rings are formed, which are associated with the formation of compounds with less than 10 C atoms. Once incipient soot is formed, the number of C1–C10 compounds and the number of 3-member rings drops, while the number of 5- and 6-member rings increases, indicating that the formation of larger rings is associated with the growth of soot clusters. The chemical structure of soot precursor molecules obtained by bond order analysis reveals that molecules with up to 10 C atoms are either linear or branched aliphatic compounds or may contain 3-member rings fused with aliphatic components. Molecules with more than 10 C atoms often exhibit structures composed of 5- or 6-member C rings, decorated by aliphatic components. The identification of molecular precursors contributing to soot inception provides crucial insights into soot formation mechanisms, identifying potential pathways of soot formation during combustion.

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Anindya Ganguly, Khaled Mosharraf Mukut, Somesh Roy, Georgios Kelesidis, and Eirini Goudeli

Status: open (until 17 Feb 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on ar-2024-34', Anonymous Referee #1, 09 Dec 2024 reply
  • RC2: 'Comment on ar-2024-34', Anonymous Referee #2, 13 Feb 2025 reply
Anindya Ganguly, Khaled Mosharraf Mukut, Somesh Roy, Georgios Kelesidis, and Eirini Goudeli
Anindya Ganguly, Khaled Mosharraf Mukut, Somesh Roy, Georgios Kelesidis, and Eirini Goudeli


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Short summary
The study explores the formation of small soot clusters by precursor molecules at high temperature. Higher temperature speeds up the decomposition of gas molecules, accelerating the formation of cyclic structures decorated by aliphatic chains. This research offers new insights into the early steps of soot formation, which could help develop more informed kinetic models for pyrolysis and combustion processes.