03 Dec 2024
 | 03 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal AR.

Reactive oxygen species build-up in photochemically aged iron-and copper-doped secondary organic aerosol proxy

Kevin Kilchhofer, Alexandre Barth, Battist Utinger, Markus Kalberer, and Markus Ammann

Abstract. The toxicity of particulate matter (PM) is highly related to the concentration of particle-bound reactive oxygen species (ROS). Chemical properties, including metal dissolution and the sources of PM, influence ROS production and its oxidative potential. Here, the photochemical aging of a secondary organic aerosol proxy (citric acid, CA) with metal complexes (iron-citrate, FeIIICit) is assessed toward the production of particle-bound ROS with an online instrument (OPROSI). We studied the photochemically induced redox chemistry in iron/copper-citrate particles experimentally mimicked with an aerosol flow tube (AFT) in which UV-aging was probed. Different atmospheric conditions were tested, influencing the physicochemical properties of the particles. We found that UV-aged CA aerosol containing 10 mole% FeIIICit generated ROS concentrations on the order of 0.1 nmol H2O2 eq μg−1, indicating the photochemically driven formation of peroxides. An increase in relative humidity (RH) leads to only a slight but overall lower concentration of ROS, possibly due to a loss of volatile HO2 and H2O2 in the gas phase in the less viscous particles. The RH effect is enhanced in nitrogen sheath flow, but in air and compared to the FeIIICit/CA particles, the iron/copper-citrate samples show a uniformly decreased ROS level. Interestingly, in the high humid nitrogen experiment with copper, we found a much more pronounced decline of the ROS concentration down to 2×10−2 nmol H2O2 eq μg−1 compared to all other irradiation experiments. We suggest that copper may suppress radical redox reactions and therefore consume ROS in an anoxic regime.

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Kevin Kilchhofer, Alexandre Barth, Battist Utinger, Markus Kalberer, and Markus Ammann

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on ar-2024-36', Anonymous Referee #1, 28 Jan 2025
  • RC2: 'Comment on ar-2024-36', Anonymous Referee #2, 20 Feb 2025
Kevin Kilchhofer, Alexandre Barth, Battist Utinger, Markus Kalberer, and Markus Ammann
Kevin Kilchhofer, Alexandre Barth, Battist Utinger, Markus Kalberer, and Markus Ammann


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Short summary
We report a substantial build-up of reactive molecules by sunlight in organic particulate matter causing adverse health effects. Metals naturally or by traffic emitted can complex with organic materials and initiate photochemical processes. At low humidity organic particles may become highly viscous, which lets the accumulate reactive species. We found that copper acts as an reducing species to remove some of the harmful species in the particles.