Articles | Volume 2, issue 1
Research article
13 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 13 Jun 2024

Atmospheric ice-nucleating particles in the eastern Mediterranean and the contribution of mineral and biological aerosol

Mark D. Tarn, Bethany V. Wyld, Naama Reicher, Matan Alayof, Daniella Gat, Alberto Sanchez-Marroquin, Sebastien N. F. Sikora, Alexander D. Harrison, Yinon Rudich, and Benjamin J. Murray

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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 14045–14072,,, 2024
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The ice-nucleating ability of quartz immersed in water and its atmospheric importance compared to K-feldspar
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An instrument for quantifying heterogeneous ice nucleation in multiwell plates using infrared emissions to detect freezing
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Cited articles

Adams, M. P., Tarn, M. D., Sanchez-Marroquin, A., Porter, G. C. E., O'Sullivan, D., Harrison, A. D., Cui, Z., Vergara-Temprado, J., Carotenuto, F., Holden, M. A., Daily, M. I., Whale, T. F., Sikora, S. N. F., Burke, I. T., Shim, J. U., McQuaid, J. B., and Murray, B. J.: A Major Combustion Aerosol Event Had a Negligible Impact on the Atmospheric Ice-Nucleating Particle Population, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 125, e2020JD032938,, 2020. 
Ardon-Dryer, K. and Levin, Z.: Ground-based measurements of immersion freezing in the eastern Mediterranean, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 5217–5231,, 2014. 
Athanasopoulou, E., Protonotariou, A., Papangelis, G., Tombrou, M., Mihalopoulos, N., and Gerasopoulos, E.: Long-range transport of Saharan dust and chemical transformations over the Eastern Mediterranean, Atmos. Environ., 140, 592–604,, 2016. 
Atkinson, J. D., Murray, B. J., Woodhouse, M. T., Whale, T. F., Baustian, K. J., Carslaw, K. S., Dobbie, S., O'Sullivan, D., and Malkin, T. L.: The importance of feldspar for ice nucleation by mineral dust in mixed-phase clouds, Nature, 498, 355–358,, 2013. 
Attiya, A. A. and Jones, B. G.: Climatology of Iraqi dust events during 1980–2015, SN Applied Sciences, 2, 845,, 2020. 
Short summary
Ambient ice-nucleating particle (INP) concentrations were measured in Israel, which experiences air masses from a variety of sources. We found that the INP activity is typically dominated by K-feldspar mineral dust but that air masses passing over regions of fertile soils correlated with high INP concentrations and indicators of biological activity. This suggests that these fertile regions could be sporadic sources of warm-temperature biogenic INPs and warrants further study of these areas.
Final-revised paper