Articles | Volume 2, issue 1
Research article
08 May 2024
Research article |  | 08 May 2024

A multi-instrumental approach for calibrating real-time mass spectrometers using high-performance liquid chromatography and positive matrix factorization

Melinda K. Schueneman, Douglas A. Day, Dongwook Kim, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Seonsik Yun, Marla P. DeVault, Anna C. Ziola, Paul J. Ziemann, and Jose L. Jimenez

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Brown, W. L., Day, D. A., Stark, H., Pagonis, D., Krechmer, J. E., Liu, X., Price, D. J., Katz, E. F., DeCarlo, P. F., Masoud, C. G., Wang, D. S., Hildebrandt Ruiz, L., Arata, C., Lunderberg, D. M., Goldstein, A. H., Farmer, D. K., Vance, M. E., and Jimenez, J. L.: Real-time organic aerosol chemical speciation in the indoor environment using extractive electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, Indoor Air, 31, 141–155,, 2021. 
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Short summary
Our study presents a novel method for quantifying mass spectrometer responses to molecular species in organic aerosols. Traditional calibrations often fail for complex mixtures like secondary organic aerosol. We combined chromatography with statistical component analysis to improve separation and quantification, achieving promising agreement with direct calibration. Our findings offer a new approach to assess aerosol composition, especially beneficial for complex mixtures.
Final-revised paper