Articles | Volume 2, issue 1
Research article
19 Mar 2024
Research article |  | 19 Mar 2024

Photocatalytic chloride-to-chlorine conversion by ionic iron in aqueous aerosols: a combined experimental, quantum chemical, and chemical equilibrium model study

Marie K. Mikkelsen, Jesper B. Liisberg, Maarten M. J. W. van Herpen, Kurt V. Mikkelsen, and Matthew S. Johnson


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Latest update: 07 Sep 2024
Short summary
We analyze the mechanism whereby sunlight and iron catalyze the production of chlorine from chloride in sea spray aerosol. This process occurs naturally over the North Atlantic and is the single most important source of chlorine. We investigate the mechanism using quantum chemistry, laboratory experiments, and aqueous chemistry modelling. The process will change depending on competing ions, light distribution, acidity, and chloride concentration.
Final-revised paper